About me
I am a Computer Science Master’s student at École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (ENS Paris-Saclay). My main research interests are quantum computing, cryptography and complexity theory.
Starting from march I will be working at Sorbonne Université (Paris, France) with Alex Bredariol Grilo on a quantum complexity analysis of the Uhlmann tranformation problem and its link to zero-knowledge proofs.
Last semester I worked at the IQC at University of Waterloo Canada, under the supervision of Samuel Jaques on the addressability problem on CSS quantum error correcting codes.
Before this, I did an internship at IRISA Rennes with Pierre-Alain Fouque, where I was studying a paper by Léo Ducas and trying to find a better algorithm for solving ZLIP the isomorphism problem over orthonormal lattices.
I am also a tennis player, and I play the drums.
Feel free to message me if you want to get in touch !